Gabe is all about pirates now, legos and skateboarding. He still loves his Hot Wheels, but ask him to talk about his favorite things and legos are pretty high up there! He plays an online game called Pirates of the Caribbean and talking about cannons and war frigates are just apart of his nature now! I love how enthusiastic he is about that game, and how since his aunt Mar made a character once, he's all about talking to her about it, even though she doesn't play it ever! Gabe just loves to share his favorite things with people, and is always look for the things they have in common! He also took some skateboarding lessons this summer and had so much fun. It was great watching his confidence grow every day!
Gabe has a wonderful love of nature and appreciates beauty. When we were at Sunriver a while
Over this Summer, I was blessed to be apart of Gabe's baptism. It was so special to see him all dressed in white, with his Grandpa, and see him become a part of this church that is so very important to me. I loved watching him grow up, in preparation to get baptized, and see how church lessons meant to him. He was able to take the missionary discussions and decide on his own to get baptized. Another thing I loved about his baptism was how he wanted his uncle Richard to give a talk. I know he sees Richard as a great example, and I am so thankful he has Richard in his life. By him choosing his uncle, really shows me that he recognizes a man who is a faithful priesthood holder and is so strong in the church. I find it comforting that Gabe can see that and strive to be more like that.
I love Gabe's sweet spirit. More than anything else about him, I love how loving he is. He is always quick to give hugs and kisses, and doesn't let me walk out the door to work without them. I also love recently how him and I have our special time before bed where we can read the scriptures together. I am constantly amazed at how much he understands, and am happy to discuss what we read about together.
Although Gabe has been through so much in his short little life, I see so much in him that is good.